Sunday, October 6, 2019

Analytical Essay. Hispanics crossing the border and the physical and Essay

Analytical . Hispanics crossing the border and the physical and psychological barriers - Essay Example Hispanics search for an identity in the society (Vertovec, 2001). Children are the top sufferers. Children follow their native culture in their homes. They are at the same time trying to follow the culture of their new land. Being in this two worlds makes them unfit for both worlds. The forceful attempt of acculturation to mainstream the immigrants to a strange ideology is unpleasant for children as it demands a severe denigration from their original culture. Acculturation pushes the children into a strange world that seldom treats them well. Being brought up in a different environment, a sudden brutal thrust into a new set up makes them feel odd. Children being brought into a new education set up lacks the expertise for excelling in a new environment and their chances of succeeding in the ‘new world’ is far less compared to the native children. Immigrant children are not able to follow their native identities and maintain the unique and exceptional practices followed in their native cultures. Children suffer in the context of the new scenario and are often ill-treated and abused. They are detached from their culture and feel odd in the new world. Hispanic families are in trouble as they struggle for an identity in their new world. These helpless families seek acceptance in the new land where they reached. Parents try to feed their child with the notion of materialism. They desperately want to teach cultural American traditions to their child. Event though they make hard attempts to transform their children they are not still sure whether American society will accept them. Children loses their natural and cultural personality and at the same time fails to acquire the culture of the new land where they reached. America does not welcome Hispanic immigrants and other immigrants no matter they are legal immigrants or illegal immigrants (Takaki 1993). The unfavorable environment in their home country and the lack of support

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